Hello ladies, we're back! Have you ever wanted to get into triathlons and just don't know how to go about it, or perhaps you're a regular triathlete wanting to tune up your skills and get some tips? Well, here is your opportunity. Come and join us for a fun morning of the Women's Introduction to Triathlon and Duathlon Event on Sun the 2nd October 2022.
The event will include:
Introduction to triathlon. Hear about how to get started with triathlons, what you need and what type of training is involved to get you across that line. Ask any questions you might have.
Bike and run transition practice for a duathlon. Learn everything you need to know for the duathlon.
A Women's Duathlon event in a fun environment. Distance 2km run - 5km bike - 1km run.
And you are in good hands as these sessions will be run be a Triathlon Australia accredited coach and someone who has competed in many Ironmans, Triathlons and numerous events.
Thanks to Triathlon NSW this event is FREE.
Place: Cavanbah Centre Byron Bay
Schedule: 7am Introduction to triathlon
Bike and run transition practise for the duathlon
8am Women's Duathlon
Sign Up for the event through this link:
Please note that this is a ticketed event and you need to sign up for the Triathlon Australia 14 day free trial membership. This will ensure you (and we) are covered and insured for the event. If you are already a Triathlon Australia member just sign up for the event. Click on the link above and it will provide you with more information about you you'll need to bring and do. If you have any questions feel free to email on byrontriclub@gmail.com
