The Breakers stormed home for the 2nd race of the North Coast Interclub Series. Checkout the fabulous results for a 750m river swim, 20km flat cycle and 5km scenic run.
Jaime Cascajares 1st 35-39m 1:01:50 (6th overall) Paivi Hanninen 1st 35-39f 1:07:57 (7th female across the line) Huw Jones 3rd 55-59m 1:09:58 Will Glasson 7th 35-49m 1:12:29 Nick Engerer 8th 35-39m 1:14:28 Mark Stephan 8th 50-54m 1:15:47 Leonie Pedrazzini 1st 60-64f 1:16:44 Nick Allesio 11th 30-34m 1:18:32 Robyn Darke 5th 60-64f 1:20:22 Sandra Killen 1st 65-69f 1:22:56 Gracie Richter 7th 20-24f 1:25:05 Claire O'Meara 3rd 55-59f 1:25:56 Charlie Azzopardi 12th 50-54m 1:26:33 Greg O'Meara 11th 55-59m 1:27:42
A great return to racing by Joni Karonen but sadly his timing chip didn't register any results! And lastly congratultions to Charlie for his first ever Sprint Triathlon.

Kingscliff Triathlon Jan 2022 - In order of first out of the water
Cycle Leg
Finish Line
