Byron Breakers 2022/2023 Bowling Series Game 1: Yamba
Written by How
After an exhaustive review of all the scores and taking into account the relative start times of each age category, the results from the first game in the 2022/2023 Byron Breakers Bowling Series have been finalised.
Just a reminder that the coveted Byron Breaker Bowler of the Year trophy (seen below on Huw’s Shelf Esteem) will be awarded to the bowler with the highest points at the end of the series. Points will be awarded on the same basis as the NSW Interclub Triathlon series, i.e. 2 points for 1st place, 1.5 for 2nd and 3rd, 1 for 4th and 5th and 0.5 points for 6th to 10th. There will be no additional points awarded for supporters.
Before presenting the results, just a few mentions: Whilst we were bowling, Paivi and Claire were competing in a triathlon in WA. To be honest none of us could understand why it was taking them soooooo long. We had finished our triathlon, had a well-deserved early beer at the presos and were now supping a few wines at the bowlo.
It was a pleasure to welcome the NX Sports pairing of Nicola and Kevin to the first game of the Series, as honourary members of the Breakers, for the day. The only stipulation was they were not allowed to win and they admirably achieved this. However, Kevin did win the Most Stylish Bowler award and the nickname, Twister Kev. A video of his action has been sent to NX Sports to be put in his personnel file.
The newly, and previously happily married couple Joana and Jamie, are now seeing a marriage councillor after Joana whipped Jaime in the first game, scoring 102. Jaime congratulated his bride through gritted teeth and then pulled out the big guns for the second game and got the highest score of the day - 126. You could see Joana’s happiness at her groom’s fighting spirit through her tears.
Lurking in the background for this first game was an intra-club wager between old-man Huw and pretty-boy Nick. Huw (in one of his more senile moments) threw down the gauntlet, saying he would beat Nick in the triathlon AND the bowling. Nick let the Old Man thrash him in the triathlon, so it was going to be interesting to see if he could pull up those very impressive socks of his and make a comeback in the bowling.
Enough of the introduction… the results….
The winning team was Team Nick, with a score of 894. And Team John were runners up, with 806 points. It was great to see Team Huw still made the podium in 3rd place. After his rocky start in the triathlon, Nick Energy certainly came through with the goods at the bowling and took out the individual win with a whopping 232. Congrats Nick. John was a close second with 216 and was incredibly consistent scoring 109 and 107 in the 2 games. Huw came in third with 208 points and, after a blistering finish in his second game, Jaime took out fourth place and is now a single man again. Joana obviously went easy in the triathlon to save her energy for the bowling, and was the top lady bowler of the day with a score of 196 and came fifth overall. Pete just pipped Deb for sixth place with 172 (Deb got 170). Deb was seventh and Twister Kevin got eighth spot with 165. The last two point-scoring positions went to Nerida in ninth (yes, you didn’t come last Neri so you can compete in the next one) and Sandra (who suffered from a bit of sticky-pin syndrome) was in tenth and got 0.5 points. Nicola (who absolutely promised the Breakers would get an extra point in the Interclub for inviting her to bowling!), Claudia (who oscillated between spares and gutters) and Nys (“I never look when I bowl”) were just out of the points but showed good promise and are looking forward to continuing to improve in Game 2 of the Series.
Becky and Charlie were keenly vying for the equally coveted wooden spoon. Whilst Becky started with a creditable 76 in her first game, she slumped in the second with 39, after a mouthful of vino. Charlie (who decided not to enter the Open Category in the Bowling) had a very slow start, posting the lowest score of the game, but then came back with much stronger 63….Just enough for him to secure the wooden spoon. Full scores and series points were:
Participant Total Score Points
Nick 232 2
John 216 1.5
How 208 1.5
Jaime 205 1
Joana 196 1
Peter 172 0.5
Deb 170 0.5
Kevin 165 0.5
Nerida 163 0.5
Sandra 138 0.5
Nicola 133 0
Claudia 126 0
Nys 125 0
Becky 115 0
Charlie 98 0
Old Man v Pretty Boy Competition
Old Man 1
Pretty Boy 1
Game 2 of the Series is planned for South West Rocks and we keenly wait to see what Nick will wear to the next event and whether he will have the stamina to consolidate his lead.
